With the Fourth of July just around the corner, it’s time we started thinking about ways to celebrate our country. Unfortunately, patriotism seems to be dying out, and that makes teaching your kids about the beauty of the United States of America more important than ever.
Our nation has a legacy to share, and part of continuing that legacy as a conservative family is raising your kids to understand the importance of their heritage. It’s what helps them uphold the values our country stands for years down the line.
If you’re a conservative household looking to raise patriotic children who understand, value, and love their country, you’re in the right place. Here are five tips for raising kids in a patriotic lifestyle.

1. Teach Your Kids to Respect the Flag
Part of patriotism is understanding and respecting what the flag of the United States means. While it’s not something we think about every day, it certainly should be.
That flag stands for a country that our ancestors have fought for. It represents lives that have been lost and sacrifices that have been made to give us the freedom and peace that we cherish today.
One way to teach your kids about the flag is to show them the deep symbolism in its design. Point out the thirteen stripes, representing the original thirteen colonies.
Show them the fifty stars which stand for the fifty states that we have today. By showing your children what the flag represents and how it tells the world who we are, you can show them how meaningful this symbol really is.
Teaching your children how to respect the flag, honor what it stands for, and revere those who fought to defend it is a key part of helping your kids lead a patriotic lifestyle.

2. Teach Your Kids About the Pledge of Allegiance
Unfortunately, many kids today don’t understand the importance or significance of the Pledge of Allegiance. In fact, in high schools, is required to recite the Pledge of Allegiance is becoming less and less common.
Still, many kids do read or recite the Pledge of Allegiance in the classroom. Helping your child to understand that pledge can help them develop a sense of patriotism and love for their country.
First, explain to them that the pledge represents a promise to our nation. It shows that we will be loyal to our country and to the flag that represents that country because we are a country that chooses its leaders, sticks together, believes in freedom, and treats others fairly.
One thing that’s special about the Pledge of Allegiance is that most countries don’t have one. Americans decided to create one in 1892 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of when Christopher Columbus landed in the Americas.
Showing your children how unique our country is in that we believed so firmly in our country that we would make a promise to it is important. It helps show them that we care for and love our country and that our nation has chosen to stick together and honor that country, even when others don’t.
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3. Teach Your Kids About the National Anthem
Another significant part of our nation’s history is the national anthem. We hear this at all kinds of events, whether it’s at the Olympics, the Superbowl, or at a concert.
While your child may recognize the song, he or she may not realize the importance behind it. To help them better understand, try explaining the story to them.
Tell your child about how Francis Scott Key, a young poet, wrote the song during the war of 1812 when he saw our flag survive a difficult battle. He saw the flag and saw how it represented our passion and the freedoms that we had fought to preserve.
As you talk to your child about the national anthem, make sure they understand why we stand when we hear it. We do this to show respect for our country and our pride in being Americans.
Showing your children the importance of the national anthem can help them feel proud every time they hear it. They’ll begin to feel that sense of patriotism when they stand to listen to the anthem and salute the flag.

4. Celebrate American Holidays
There are many holidays that are unique to the United States and that are part of what makes our nation special. We celebrate the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, Memorial Day, and more.
Part of raising patriotic children is speaking to them about our nation’s holidays and helping them understand the meaning behind each one. It helps them connect to their heritage and understand that these holidays aren’t just times for fun and games, they’re times of remembering.
You can help explain the history of these holidays to your children by using activities that get them involved. Or, show them their own ancestors who were involved in these holidays so that they can feel proud of what their forefathers did on these special days.
5. Get Involved in Your Community
One of the best ways to breed patriotism in your children is to simply get involved in your community. In doing so, you can show your children how our society works together as a whole.
Educate your kids about the role of police officers, firemen, and other public health officials. Show them how important these people are to our country and talk to them about why they matter.
Actively involving your kids in their community helps them to not only learn about their neighborhood but to learn about their nation too. It helps them develop the same sense of unity that our nation feels as we joined together to fight the British for our freedom so many years ago.

Raise Patriotic Children That Love Their Country
By following these simple parenting tips, you can raise patriotic children that are proud to be Americans. They’ll understand the beauty of being born in the United States and can learn to pass that on to their own kids someday. Sign up for our newsletter to stay up to date and learn more about our projects.